Wednesday, July 30, 2008


This sucks.
PORTFOLIO HOMG!!! I need to get crackin.
I just realized the required pieces have specific subjects.
Yeah, I screwed up.

*starts over again*

Anyways, here is a drawing I finished.
How do you define what is a finished piece?
When you're done with it?
Or when when it has everything D:?

And here's a WIP.

The blurred spots are concept sketches :D
You must wait for the finished product!

Note to self:
Work on a new layout because I don't think people know how to navigate the current one.
; o; I spent back-breaking hours on it!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


dA is being GHEY!
I was going through some deviations and faving some, but for some reason they weren't showing up in my favourites >:I
What the hell. "weren't" isn't a word?!

I was looking at someone's art portfolio and I feel a little bit discouraged.
I've never taken art seriously before so I never did anything outside of "anime" style.
Now that I look at my work, I see that I am so far behind and limited in my passion.
I think I was being too stubborn when I thought to myself,

"I don't need to do what everyone else wants me to do. I'll do what makes me happy."

How will I ever be successful with that line of thought?
As an artist, I think my path is to follow the general public's will.
I am an artist to work for others.


I think I'll try my hand at those other styles...
Like "cubist?" or "idealism???" or whatever.
I'll just wiki them.

I might update later with some progress photos of what I'm working on.

Monday, July 28, 2008

My back D'X

Ah... My back is killing me D': I was up till 3.50AM (not 4AM :D) trying to fix the art section of my webbie.
Well... It's finally up orz... after 4 more hours put into it today.
I can't stop my excitement though...

I'll be applying to art school.
First I must finish up my portfolio though :3

I'm getting more and more excited about my art.
I think I'm getting better, so I'm gonna try even harder to improve.
I just downloaded the openCanvas the other day, and I can't wait to test it out!
I'm gonna finish up the Bleach request for ludeshka I had promised her like a bajillion years ago ; o;

Sunday, July 27, 2008

New Beginnings

New blog! I'm gonna delete everything from before... Just because I feel like it. Hmmmm... I still need to fix the look of this blog D:

Well... Everything is down. I'll reupload my art tomorrow.

Right now I'm gonna go watch some One Piece!