Thursday, March 3, 2011


We live our lives always putting ourselves first, thinking our problems have priority over others. We wonder why no one understands us when we ourselves don't even try to understand anyone else. We are so consumed and distracted by our own worlds that we don't have time to realize, everyone else hurts just as much. If we could all just take some time to help someone around us, we wouldn't feel so alone. I think we would then realize that our own burdens aren't as big as they seem.

But, no one even tries to communicate and reach out anymore. Everyone speaks their story so loud it drowns out all other voices. No one accepts the helping hand anymore. They take advantage of it, take it for granted, then blame it.

Man I've been so unhappy for so long, I know I've made two people very unhappy, too. Idk how to escape or how to even help myself. I think I should just ask a good friend what I should do, then do exactly just that. I don't think my judgement is right anymore.

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