Monday, November 10, 2008

magic carpet ride

um... in case no one noticed, the first line to my last entry was a link lol so yeah, if you didn't know, then it probably didn't make a whole lot of sense.

last week, my niece was falling asleep while eating a honey bun lol so i washed her hands, but she was swaying back and forth lolol so cute! then yesterday, she fell asleep on her eggroll lol!

i don't have my tablet for this week. i'm so sad )': i lent it to my friend, lue. i think he fell in love with it lol well, i'm glad bc he needs to get back into drawing.

oh this past weekend, on saturday i hung out with my friends... haven't hung out like that in such a long time. we uh... went to rosedale mall and i spent lots of munnies on lunchboxes for lan and me lol the lunchboxes... the little um bag for it, spoons and forks, chopsticks and those little straps to hold it together. oh crap i didn't take pictures yet lol well, i'll post them next time, maybe. they're so super cute! i also bought a chinese movie and some fingerless naruto gloves for lan. after that, lan and i went to the casino to eat and gamble~ i think overall we got back what we lost except for the buffet food. or something like that anyways. sunday i didn't do anything but work, though i went an hour late @_@;; i should stop being so late. ummmm and yesterday we went to the bar to celebrate his friend's birthday. the dood got so super drunk lol!

about art... i'll be doing some sprites for temptress-alora from dA. sounds fun and easy (: i might post up the drawings, if she allows. hopefully i'll have them done in two weeks. maybe i'll just download more event files instead of blogging so insanely long haha~

[this] was very interesting. i feel really sorry, how could this happen? how will this boy grow up? it's gotta be all that pollution...

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