Friday, September 4, 2009


Lately, I've been thinking...
I should call my mom in Cali...
I should reply to my cousin's message...
I should be more honest about my feelings...
Should be more honest about my thoughts.

I've been thinking
I want to get a new camera to start taking pictures again
I want to be outside as the sun comes up, the light is brighter and more refreshing
I should start drawing seriously again
I should start writing a story
I should work on my resume
I need a new wardrobe
I need to replace the sneakers I've lost somewhere :I
I need to finish cleaning out my apartment
My midomi needs a new song
My dA should be deleted and I should focus on my webpage
I should make a new layout for my webpage

There's a lot of things I should do... Lots of things on my mind... But I don't know where to start so I'm just slowly doing what is at my feet first... Which is cleaning out my apartment. I saw two flies flying around... Why are they so much harder to kill when they're babies?!

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