Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I feel that if I stay up late to make my boyfriend's lunch,
I can be a little happier XD

I have a lot of art trades to do :3
Maybe about 9 total.
I should work on them,
but I still need to work on the requests from last year.

I'm trying to finish reading KareKano.
It makes me laugh a lot.
Then, sometimes it makes me depressed
because I start to realize how to define some of my feelings.

In One Piece,
I got to the episode where Merry Go dies ; o;
I was so touched!
So moved!
Also, Usopp just seems so much more manly as Soge King!! XD
Here are some videos from OP!

I already have the Soge King and Luffy's Island Song mp3s :9
They're so fun to listen to!

Also, I just discovered mink!
Check her out on CrunchyRoll!!
Her voice is like a soothing dream
from which you try hard not to wake from.
That kind of feeling...

In about 2 weeks,
school will start again.
I should hurry and figure out what to do haha!
For sure, I'll go to art school!!

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