Friday, August 29, 2008


Not many people make me lol
It's not easy to make me lol
Actually, it is, but I don't lol at the same things people do.
Usually I lol at strange things, or I just lol because people lol
It's fun, you know? I like it when people lol
Or I lol when I'm happy for no reason.
Like when I'm excited, you know?

Anyways, kiDChan gives me super lols
Her lj is rolling in lols
My blog seems to always roll in emo shit though haha

I should definitely work on the art that I owe people.
But, I'm gonna get into some animating.
Looks fun<3

I saw 3 different cockroaches in the past 2 nights D8
I killed two of them so that leaves ONE OMGGGGGG!!!!11
I saw it when I was gonna go get a drink of water...
Then when I killed a smaller one, I just couldn't bear to use any dishes.
So I'm drinking pop instead...
Though water or tea sounds so appetizing right now ; o;
nvm. I just washed me a cup.
I don't want cavities.

My friend's ex-girl is dating a girl now.
The girl is...
Anyways, I don't think they'll last.
She looks a bit like Kow, but KOW IS SO SUPER CUTER<3

I can't keep my train of thought anymore : D

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